sylvaine aka thriceandonce

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Sylvaine's Podfic Masterlist

As far as I know, these are all the links to all my creative work that's around on the 'net. If not... well, either I forgot about posting somewhere, or it was posted without my permission. Newest work is listed first (within fandom); some of the older fic is pretty bad, so read at your own peril. All links go to AO3 unless otherwise specified. Years in parentheses after each entry are the year it was originally posted.

WARNINGS: I always warn for graphic violence, major character death, rape/non-con, and animal cruelty. (On dreamwidth and AO3, at least. I make no promises for some of the older links to FFnet and other archiving sites.) If there's anything else you think I should warn for, or if you'd like to know of any other specific triggers, please don't hesitate to message me or comment here.

Works are rated using AO3 ratings - G (General Audiences), T (Teen), M (Mature), E (Explicit).

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Outline For An MCU Fic Where Steve Rogers Defeats Bucky Barnes Through The Power Of MCR, As Told Through Song Lyrics. by lannamichaels. A multivoice collab with Annapods. (AO3) Captain America/My Chemical Romance, T, Bucky/Steve, 0:57:44. Have you heard the news that you're dead? (2019)
Children's Card Games by Misfit_McCoward. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with fishpatrol, idellaphod, Jenepod, the24thkey, tinypinkmouse_podfic (tinypinkmouse), Vaysh, and Podfic-Chicklet. (AO3) Yuri!!! on Ice/Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series, G, Viktor/Yuuri, 0:20:46. “You can’t quit skating to play children’s card games,” Celestino lectured. (In which the Yu-Gi-Oh trading card game exists and Phichit is very supportive of what is the weirdest direction for Yuuri to take coping with failure. Oh, and Viktor's there.). (2019)
Widdershins Unsolved by kd-heart, drchristineputnam, and hidden-but. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with >KD reads (KDHeart) and frecklebombfic (frecklebomb). (AO3 | Tumblr) Whyborne and Griffin/Buzzfeed Unsolved, G, Gen, 0:03:43. For your consideration: a Whyborne and Griffin Buzzfeed Unsolved Crossover. (2019)
I fall asleep and dream of alternate realities, and I put myself at ease. by havocthecat. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology VIII) The Mummy Series/Stargate Atlantis, G, Elizabeth/Evy & Evy/Rick, 0:05:24. Evie falls asleep and wakes up in another place, with another woman. (2018)
One Ring to rule them all - Or not? by Allegra Tale (Wingsister_Miri). (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) Lord of the Rings/X-Men, G, gen, 0:08:10. Sauron has just completed his Master Ring of Power. But what is he to do when a man shows up opposing him who can control metal? (2016)
To Towered Camelot by Tozette. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology VI) Harry Potter/Arthurian Mythology/The Lady of Shalott, G, gen, 0:08:15. When Pansy and Hermione get sent back in time, it’s definitely Pansy’s fault. If she hadn’t been mucking about in potions class — Hermione tells her this, at length,immediately after their feet return to solid ground. "What does it matter?" Pansy hisses, looking at their surroundings in dismay. Barley stalks spread for as far as the eye could see, beautiful in their golden stretch toward a clear blue sky, but… "Where are we?” (2016)
curiouser and curiouser by livejournal profilebyblythe. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) Harry Potter/Alice in Wonderland, G, gen, 0:07:52. One Saturday Hermione remembers that there was a girl who fell down a rabbit hole and wonders what happened to her after that. Madame Pince gives her the key to a small room where the books aren't full of spells and potions and Hermione recognises most of the titles on the colourful spines. She misses lunch and dinner, and when Lavender asks her about it she says she filled up on bread-and-butter at a tea party. (2014)
A Physics Carol by sophia_sol. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr (drunk version) | Tumblr (sober version)) A Christmas Carol/Physics RPF, G, gen, 1:53 (sober version), 2:28 (drunk version). Schrodinger's cat was dead, to begin with. (2012)
draw another breath by akamine_chan. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) due South/Bandom, T, Gerard/RayK, 4:31. She had dark, shaggy hair, chopped and messy and hanging in her face. Her dark jeans were tight and she'd topped it all off with a ratty Iron Maiden shirt and black boots. (2012)
untitled Valdemar/Bandom thing by northern. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr | Amplificathon Post) Bandom/Valdemar, T, Jon/Vanyel, 0:11:20. Wherein Vanyel's boorish guards send Jon Walker up to Vanyel's room at the inn. (2012)
The Journey Home by gorgeousnerd. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology IX) Lord of the Rings, G, Éowyn/Rosie Cotton, 0:03:06. "You're thinking of home," Éowyn said. It was not a question. After battles and beds shared, their understanding was unspoken, and deep. Or: Rosie finds home. (2019)
Shieldmaiden of Rohan by gorgeousnerd. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr) Lord of the Rings, T, Éowyn/Rosie Cotton, 0:09:34. There had been many battles won by the teeth of the shieldmaidens, but the men who ruled Rohan said that wolves and horses were ill-suited to one another. Men rode horses, of course, and they put them on their banners, and they slaughtered the wild wolves that roamed the plains and stuck their furs to the city walls in warning. Shieldmaidens withdrew from the wars of men. Their great power, they decided, was only for themselves and whomever they deemed worthy. (2018)
Femslash Dís and Mama Ri by Thorinsmut (FormlessVoidbeast). (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology VIII) The Hobbit, G, Dís/Mama 'ri, 0:03:22. For the prompt from Tagath: Dís and Mama Ri bonding over have impossible children who do stupid (but incredibly great) things?. (2018)
The Daughters of Stone by HSavinien. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology V) The Hobbit, G, gen, 3:54. An excerpt from the later years of the tale of Dís, as written by herself. (2015)
few have ever seen a ghost by mwestbelle. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | My Chemical Romance, M, Gerard/Mikey, 0:10:35. "True love is like a psychic experience. Everyone tells ghost stories, but few have ever seen a ghost" (In which the Ways are underage and psychic.) (2020)
Hot for Teacher by romanticalgirl. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | My Chemical Romance, M, Gerard/Mikey, 0:04:40. Gerard has no idea how to touch girls, so of course he asks Mikey. (2020)
Drag Like Sandpaper by desfinado. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | My Chemical Romance, M, Gerard/Mikey, 0:28:46. On Gerard's eighteenth birthday, he watches his little brother buy his first razor. (2020)
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang by 7iris. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with KDHeart, Kittyblack, the_casual_cheesecake, and bunsprout. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | My Chemical Romance, E, Bob/Frank/Gerard/Mikey/Ray, 0:17:02. Mikey calls them at three in the morning to tell them to come down, there's something wrong with Gerard. Sex pollen!PWP (2019)
let the engines roar by akamine_chan. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with KDHeart, the_casual_cheesecake, and bunsprout. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | My Chemical Romance, T, Gerard/Ray, 0:09:34. Ray has an epiphany during the filming of the SING video. (2019)
Slash and Burn by turps. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with Gondolin, podfic_lover, the_casual_cheesecake, and bunsprout. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | My Chemical Romance, G, Gen, 0:05:33. A story about nature and killer fruit. (2019)
This Motel Sucks by ladyfoxxx. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | MCR, E, Gerard/Mikey, Frank/Ray, Frank/Gerard/Mikey/Ray, 0:11:03. In which a literally shitty hotel room forces Ray and Frank to seek refuge in Gerard and Mikey's room... and they probably should have knocked. (2019)
Practise Makes Perfect by ladyfoxxx. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | MCR, T, Gerard/Mikey, 0:09:50. For the prompt "teaching/learning how to kiss." (2019)
Spark and Fade by akamine_chan. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | MCR, M, Gerard/Mikey, 0:02:19. They're the last ones to leave the stage; Mikey hands off his bass and Gee slings his arm around Mikey's shoulders, pulling him close. He feels the brush of Mikey's hand against the small of his back before his fingers hook into a belt loop and hold on. (2019)
Pretty Pink Princess by 7iris. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr) MCR & MSI, E, Gerard/Lindsey, 0:10:21. Pegging. PWP. (2019)
Law of Contagion by Teigh. (AO3 | tumblr) MCR, T, Frank/Mikey, 0:04:59. Written for the prompts Frank/Mikey, friendship, and the following tracks: Song: Mad World - Gary Jules; Audio Track: The Self Fascination Ritual For Increased Power. (2016)
More by shiningartifact. Recorded together with anotherslashfan. (AO3 | anotherslashfan's Dreamwidth post | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) MCR, Frank/Gerard, E, 1:04:18. Set in the early van days on a rare motel night. Frank always feels so restless on nights they don't have shows. Cable TV and Gerard Way provide an excellent distraction. (2013)
never change your spots by inlovewithnight. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | tumblr) FOB & CS, T, Gabe/Pete, 0:05:08. In which Pete and Gabe are were-big cats. (2013)
Ecdysiast by inlovewithnight. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) MCR, E, Gerard/Mikey, 0:17:03. from Ancient Greek: έκδύω - ekduo - to take off, strip off. (2013)
so far from you by akamine_chan. Repodded from argentumlupine's recording. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | podfic-bingo post | Audiofic Archive |Tumblr) MCR, G, gen, 0:05:07. Long before they were My Chemical Romance, they'd played in a succession of shitty bands, chasing after their dreams and trying to find some meaning in their lives. Gerard's hands were shaking so badly that he poked Mikey in the eye twice with the eyeliner pencil, but Mikey never flinched. He just blinked back the tears and looked at Gerard with the same unwavering belief he'd had in Gerard since he was four. (2012)
Blurring Lines/Negative Space by turps and Teigh. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | podfic-bingo post | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) MCR, G, gen, 0:06:51. In which Gerard draws what he needs. and Rub too hard against the paper and the sketch becomes indistinct, blends to grey. (2012)
Early Spring in Jersey by lovebashed. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | podfic-bingo post | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) MCR, G, Gerard/Mikey/Frank/Ray, 0:09:35. Gerard, Mikey, Frank and Ray spend early spring days in their second home in New Jersey. (2012)
you with someone else by morphosyntactic. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) MCR & FOB, T, Alicia/Mikey/Pete, 0:07:39. It's date night. (2012)
Sway by la_dissonance. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) MCR, M, Gerard/Mikey, 0:13:00. bros grinding in a bunk (2012)
brothers by mwestbelle. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) MCR, T, gen, 0:07:00. Gerard has always been Mikey's older brother, except when he's not. (2012)
you keep me without chains by flyingthesky. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) MCR (Killjoys/Danger Days), E, Korse/Party Poison, 0:03:17. Content may be triggery (specific warnings in story header). Written for the prompts "guro" and "Korse/Party, wounds". (2012)
Catching Pieces of a Fallen Sky by snarkydame. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) MCR, E, Mikey/Ray & Frank/Gerard, 1:57:09. Ray and Frank are the only survivors of the Jersey Queen, an independent freighter hit by (space!) pirates. In the chaos, the doomed ship took a blind jump through the hyperways, leaving them stranded in a dark and lonely quadrant of space. Mikey and Gerard are the last remaining crew of a legendary "ghost" ship, the Ravenkroft which has been lost for the fifty years since the War that Broke the Stations. They've been avoiding inhabited space due to emotional scarring from the loss of their crew, and a feeling of isolation due to the fact that they are in fact cyborgs. They pick up Ray and Frank's escape pod, and promise to help them. In the process, old feeling of guilt are assuaged, new emotional ties are wrought, and the legendary ship comes home. (2012)
In My Blood Like Holy Wine by Sena. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Podfic Big Bang (Dreamwidth) | Podfic Big Bang (Livejournal) | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) MCR, E, Frank/Mikey, Gerard/Mikey, Frank/Gerard/Mikey, 1:26:41. It's the dirtiest thing he's ever done, being in love with his brother, wanting Mikey and watching and waiting, taking what little he can get. (2012)
That's what you get (when you let your heart win) by Ischa. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) MCR & PATD & TAI & CS, M, Mikey/Spencer/William, Gerard/Mikey, Gerard/William, Gabe/William, 1:40:03. William is quitting having sex with Gabe for his own sanity, Spencer finds himself in the middle of an unusual breakfast-club, Mikey is hiding secrets from his friends and Gerard is seducing everyone. This is a story about trying to let go of something that doesn't work and opening up to something new, no matter how unusual it looks. (2012)
Before and After by desfinado. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) MCR, E, Gerard/Mikey, 1:06:19. A minor obsession with bleach jobs and a lot of frottage. (2012)
Change by gala_apples. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) MCR & FOB, G, Alicia/Mikey, Mikey/Pete, 0:08:32. Mikey's the person that always rides the bus, never gets the Ferrari. Metaphorically speaking. (2012)
These Kids Are a Disgrace by solarbaby614. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr | Amplificathon) MCR (Killjoys/Danger Days), T, gen, 1:07:54. How Gerard became Party Poison and then Gerard again. A.k.a the exterminator!Gerard fic. (2012)
Sunnymead by frausorge. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) MCR, T, Gerard/Mikey, 0:13:07. "We're not the kind of people who'll ever be happy," Gerard said. (2011)
TITILLATION by Misfit_McCoward. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology IX) T, Ulquiorra Cifer/Inoue Orihime, 0:06:49. “Are you…” he asked, and his eyes flickered over to the romance novel, propped open to page 142. “...titillated?” (Ulquiorra and Orihime experiment. They're not very good at it.) (2019)
In The Quiet by dreamwidth profileisamikodakas. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology IX) M, Loly Aivirrne/Inoue Orihime, 0:03:48. Orihime and Loly in a dark bedroom during a college party. (2019)
Mistletoe Kisses by dreamwidth profileisamikodakas. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology IX) G, Inoue Orihime/Nelliel Tu Oderschvank, 0:03:37. Nel visits Karakura Town for Christmas. (2019)
i need a tall glass of something by amosanguis. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with KDHeart, idella, frecklebomb, growlery, and Vidriana. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr) Buzzfeed: Unsolved, NR, Ryan/Shane, 0:15:06. Ryan bites him. Maybe a little too hard. Maybe not hard enough. There’s definitely blood, but whatever – Shane’s finger is still attached and Ryan’s still a fucking parrot. They’re both losers here. (2018)
Best Kept Secrets by icarus_chained. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology VI) G, Sybil Ramkin/Havelock Vetinari/Samuel Vimes, 0:08:59. There were times Sybil wondered who on the Disc the pair of them thought they were fooling. Besides themselves, she meant. (2016)
Tea and Conquest by icarus_chained. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology VI) G, Sybil Ramkin/Havelock Vetinari/Samuel Vimes, 0:05:03. "You know," Sybil commented mildly, "Rosie was asking me what it was like, to have the two most powerful men in Ankh-Morpork among my conquests." - Sybil Vimes, Havelock Vetinari, and some mildly kinky flirting in his office. (2016)
Doctor Who/Torchwood
Love, That Loosener of Limbs by amatalefay. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology X) Doctor Who/Historical RPF, G, Bill/Sappho, 0:02:04. "Like, finally here’s a poem that isn’t just some bloke whining about how a beautiful girl won’t give him sex, and it’s basically 'sweet mother, I’m too gay to do my chores, blame Aphrodite'. Like, honestly? Most relatable thing I’ve read in years."" (Bill meets Sappho.) (2020)
Sung Above The Glass by derryderrydown. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology IX) Doctor Who/Torchwood, T, Martha Jones/Toshiko Sato, 0:06:37. On Martha's third day at Torchwood, Gwen sits on her desk and says, "My boyfriend's away tonight. Do you fancy a girls' night in?" (2019)
Dragon Age
Untitled Cullen/Krem Fic by psikeval. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) Dragon Age: Inquisition, T, Cullen/Krem, 0:05:57. Written for the prompt "validation". Cullen and Krem, sparring.. (2016)
Creatures by Tozette. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology VI) Dragon Age: Origins, G, gen, 0:09:27. Morrigan learns to shape shift. It does not always go to plan. Flemeth is remarkably unhelpful about ninety eight per cent of the time. (2016)
Dream Daddy
Lucien's Teachers Just Want Him to Stop Selling Oregano to the Other Students by fascinationex. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with Arioch, bunsprout, KD reads (KDHeart), podfic_lover, the24thkey, and The_Casual_Sounds (the_casual_cheesecake). (AO3) T, gen, 0:24:12. Expecting Damien and instead getting Robert was perhaps one of the least pleasant shocks of Hugo's recent professional life. (2020)
Fairy Tales & Mythology
Mother Bear by Laylah. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology V) Greek and Roman Mythology, G, gen, 0:06:06. The goddess of the hunt, and an act of charity. (2015)
Contrary to Fact by via_ostiense. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr | dreamwidthpodfic-bingo post) Iliad, G, Achilles/Patroculus, 0:07:15. Tres viae quibus cogitant: si Patroclus viveret. (Three ways in which people think: if Patroculus were alive). (2012)
The Death of Each Day's Life by sophia_sol. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr | dreamwidth community profileamplificathon post | dreamwidth community profilepodfic-bingo post) Fairy Tales: Sleeping Beauty, G, Sleeping Beauty/Prince, 0:03:22. These days, she never sleeps. (2012)
Good Omens
Discredit & Sequel by ItsClydeBitches. A multivoice podfic project produced by Rhea314 (Rhea). (AO3) T, Aziraphale/Crowley, 0:30:01. Yelp reviews for A.Z. Fell and Co. Antiquarian and Unusual Books. (2020)
A Sudden Flight of Birds by the_moonmoth. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | ITPE 2016 Masterlist) M, Aziraphale/Crowley, 0:23:24. "You know," Crowley said conversationally, "abject terror is really quite exhausting." (2016)
Harry Potter
she shines, on the earth (silvery) by ElasticElla. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology X) T, Lavender/Luna, 0:07:12. Luna is lost in the woods, sitting in a clearing with a summoned candle, staring up at the foliage. (2020)
Chuck Norris Isn't A Man With A Beard. He's A Beard With A Man by sdk. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with Annapods, Arioch, frecklebombfic (frecklebomb), growlery, idellaphod, KDHeart, xan_reads (xancredible), Podfic-Chicklet (Yvi_sama), podfic_lover, the24thkey, and Vaysh-podfics (Vaysh). (AO3 | Dreamwidth | GDrive) T, Ginny/Millicent, 0:17:04. Chuck Norris knows if zebras are white with black stripes or black with white stripes. (2020)
sweet above compare by KeeperofSeeds. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology VIII) G, Ginny/Luna, 0:01:16. Ginny and Luna find time to relax and enjoy each other's company. (2018)
Flowers in a Time of War by Allegra Tale (Wingsister_Miri). (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology VI) G, gen, 0:06:36. It is 1997: Harry has been on the run for months and Ginny needs some cheering up. She gets flowers. (2016)
the proposal. by lovepeaceohana. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) G, Cho/OMC, 0:03:38. Cho finds herself on the receiving end of a marriage proposal. (2014)
A Fibonacci Romance by woldy. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr (with music) | Tumblr (without music)) G, Minerva McGonagall/Septima Vector, 0:11:56 (with music)/0:11:18 (without music). Flitwick is a neat linear equation. Trelawney is a negative number. Dumbledore appears chaotic, but she suspects there's an elegant solution. McGonagall is not easy to decode. (2014)
The Lee Jordan Show, a dreamwidth community profilepod-together collaboration with vassalady, croissantkatie, primeideal, kalakirya, silly_cleo, jelazakazone, eosrose, citrusjava, and Laliandra. (AO3 | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) G, gen, 0:39:21. Welcome to the Lee Jordan show on the Wizarding Wireless Network, the best show for news, interviews, sports coverage, and entertainment on air! Tune in now! (2013)
action! adventure! by lalejandra. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | dreamwidth community profilepodfic-bingo post | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) G, gen, 0:08:48. In which the teachers mysteriously vanish, the Slytherins plot to take over the castle, and Hermione completely fails to get anyone interested in finding out what's going on. (2012)
Holiday Wish by dreamwidth profilemiss-morland. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) G, Minerva McGonagall/Poppy Pomfrey, 0:06:21. Five Christmas Eves in Minerva and Poppy's lives. (2012)
Spinsters on a Sunday Morning by tetley. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr | livejournal community profilehp-podfic-fest post | dreamwidth community profileamplificathon post) M, Minerva McGonagall/Irma Pince, 0:43:45. The headmistress is retiring, and Rita Skeeter is sent to interview her. Oh, how she looks forward to that. (2011)
Don't you see? We were meant to 8e 8est h8friends forever. by anxiousAnarchist. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) T, gen, 0:27:45. Rose and Vriska explore this human emotion called friendship. Everyone else is suitably terrified. (2013)
Jonny Quest
Not That Complicated by KD writes (KDHeart). A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with frecklebombfic (frecklebomb), KD reads (KDHeart), podfic_lover, and The_Casual_Sounds (the_casual_cheesecake). (AO3) The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest, G, Jezebel/Estella, 0:06:29. "You know…" Jessie finally started. "When she said she almost became my step-mother…" "Not quite what you had in mind, is it?" "Not really, no," she said. (2020)
five messes eliot had to clean up (and one he didn’t) by lovebeyondmeasure. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with knight_tracer, xan_reads (xancredible), podfic_lover, and Vaysh-podfics (Vaysh). (AO3 | Dreamwidth) G, Alec/Eliot/Parker, 0:19:38. Eliot couldn’t even be mad about the fact that he was covered in peanut butter after that. (2020)
Lost Girl
The First Rule of Drunken Hi-Jinks by credoimprobus. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology X) E, Bo/Kenzi, 0:08:10. Bo and Kenzi keep falling into booze cabinet-fuelled makeout sessions, and completely fail to talk about it. (2020)
Diamonds and Rust by chaosmanor. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr (with music) | Tumblr (without music)) M, Orlando/Viggo, 0:22:11 (with music)/0:19:03 (without music). Orlando did this to him, even after all this time. All it took was a phone call and a casual ‘love you’ and Orlando’s ghost was back. (2013)
Do What You Want by gorgeousnerd. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology V) Iron Man, G, Pepper/Tony, 0:03:33. In which Pepper Potts learns not to accept labels. (2015)
The Mummy Series
One of Oak and the Other, Linden by Who Shot AR (akerwis). (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology VI) The Mummy Returns, G, Evy/Rick, 0:08:02. The dirigible ride away from Ahm Shere is a long one. The first night is longer still. (2016)
In which Hidan and Sakura are in the snow by Tozette. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology X) T, gen, 0:04:08. "Don’t you dare throw that snowba-, goddammit!" (Takes place in the Dirt and Ashes universe.) (2020)
In Which Itachi is a Baby With Back Problems and Sakura is Very Awkward by Tozette. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology VI) T, gen, 0:05:36. Prompt was: Itachi and Sakura. "Do you... Well... I mean... I could give you a massage?" (2016)
In Which Diplomacy Is Very Important by Tozette. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology V) M, Konan/Tsunade, 0:05:56. Tsunade suspects she might be a little too drunk. Experience tells her that she'll probably be embarrassed about that at some point - getting wasted at important diplomatic events is kind of a faux pas for the Hokage. Either way, she has no idea how she ends up crowding Konan back against a giant polished marble credenza. (2015)
Always by hiza-chan (callunavulgari). (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology V) G, Ino/Sakura, 0:02:31. Ino's been her constant for as long as Sakura can remember. (2015)
Gentle Fist by Laylah. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology V) G, Hinata/Neji, 0:02:00. She has gotten stronger. (2015)
One Direction
The One with the Waggley Tail by LittleMousling. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) T, Harry/Nick, 0:23:23. Harry wants to help Nick get over Lex, but this wasn't really how he'd meant to do it. (2013)
Podcasts (Other)
(Not) Supposed to Happen) by Flammenkobold. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with LenaReads (LenaLawlipop) and KD reads (KDHeart). (AO3 | Tumblr) Down (Definitely Human), T, gen (Charlie Dresden & Marcus Wilde ), 00:01:08. "This wasn't supposed to happen,” Charlie says, blood slick hands pressing down on Marcus’ wound. (2022)
Comfort by KD writes (KDHeart). A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with bunsprout and KD reads (KDHeart). (AO3) Rusty Quill Gaming, G, Sasha/Zolf, 0:02:02. There's a difference between "functional" and "comfortable" . (2020)
Rivers of London
Down Goes The Mist by mardia. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr) E, Peter Grant/Thomas Nightingale, 0:16:29. Nightingale always looks younger when he’s smiling like that, and for one second, I have the overwhelming urge to lean in and kiss the corner of his smiling mouth. (2018)
RPF (Other)
I Has A Sweet Potato by livejournal profilelittera_abactor. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with Arioch, fleurrochard, frecklebombfic (frecklebomb), Gondolinpod (Gondolin), KDHeart, Kittyblack, xan_reads (xancredible), podfic_lover, The_Casual_Sounds (the_casual_cheesecake), and Vaysh-podfics (Vaysh). (AO3) Original/RL, G, gen, 0:16:25 (including outtakes) | 0:09:11 (clean edit). Dog: I am starving. Me: Actually, no. You aren't starving. - FUCKING SWEET POTATOES. ARG. (2019)
Make it cruel and divine by Anonymous. Multivoice collab with Annapods, Gondolinpod (Gondolin), and The_Casual_Sounds (the_casual_cheesecake), recorded at Europodfriends. (AO3 | GDrive | Hockey RPF, E, Rich Clune/Kasperi Kapanen/William Nylander, 0:10:15. Rich Clune/rule63 Kasperi Kapenen/rule63 Willy Nylander, pegging. (2019)
Nobody cares about Christopher Marlowe by Gondolin. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with Gondolin, the_casual_cheesecake, and bunsprout. (AO3 | Shakespeare RPF, T, Kit/Will, 0:08:14. It's 3am. It is, according to some, the hour of the devil. According to one Will Shakespeare, it is simply the time when Kit's favourite pub kicks out all drunken patrons. And for some accursed reason, Kit thinks that he best thing to do then, is drunk dialing his former seminar leader to slur poetry into his ear and ask to be picked up "please, Shakes, please, you're my only hope." Please, no one else cares, no one else cares enough to make sure I don't die in a ditch, he doesn't say, but William hears it loud and clear underneath the bawdy puns and drunken brilliance. (2019)
A Conversational Tone by somehowunbroken. A multivoice collab with Annapods. (AO3) Hockey RPF, E, Amanda/Taylor, 0:17:17. Amanda knows that Taylor called for a reason, but that doesn't mean they can't get sidetracked. (2019)
Where You Are by orphan_account. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology V) Music RPF/Fashion RPF, G, Karlie Kloss/Taylor Swift, 0:03:03. Nowhere else they'd want to be. (2015)
The Sandman
The Wager by softestpunk. A multivoice podfic recorded with KD reads (KDHeart). (AO3 | Tumblr) E, Dream/Hob Gadling, 0:37:58. “Six times?” Dream asks disbelievingly. “In a row? With your mouth?” Hob makes a claim about his oral talents. Dream makes him put his money where his mouth is. Further Hob 'world's best lay' Gadling propaganda for your consideration. (2023)
Generous by softestpunk. A multivoice podfic recorded with KD reads (KDHeart). (AO3 | Tumblr) E, Dream/Hob Gadling, 0:07:55. Dream, currently equipped with a vulva (because obviously he *could* be if he wanted to), gets railed by one Hob Gadling. Part whatever of infinite in my quest for Hob Gadling to be recognised as the world's best lay tbh. (2023)
Ecdysis by Moorishflower. A multivoice podfic recorded with KD reads (KDHeart). (AO3 | Tumblr) E, Dream/Hob Gadling, 1:04:49. The manner in which an animal routinely casts off a part of its body (often, but not always, an outer layer or covering), either at specific times of the year, or at specific points in its life cycle. The door swings open, and Hob looks up, as automatic as a blink or a breath. He's not expecting anything. It's been three months and four days, six hours and thirty-nine minutes, and all he had been told was more than once a century. Dream is standing in the doorway. He looks like hell. (2022)
your bed with its horns by Moorishflower. A multivoice podfic recorded with KD reads (KDHeart). (AO3 | Tumblr) M, Dream/Hob Gadling, 0:06:54. Sometimes, when the moon hangs in the right orbit and some strange star has fallen out of alignment, when the air is hot and humid and redolent with the fragrant spice of deep summer, when it has been a trying day, a week, a month, Dream allows himself to shed the burden of humanity. (2022)
Blood of the Lily by CaptainBonnet. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with KD reads (KDHeart). (AO3 | Tumblr) M, Dream/Hob Gadling, 0:35:50. Hob keeps dreaming of his immortal friend until one day, that friend decides to join him in one of his dreams. (2022)
Noble Intent by Moorishflower. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with KD reads (KDHeart). (AO3 | Tumblr) E, Dream/Hob Gadling, 0:11:06. A beautiful lord walks into a tavern... (Hob blows Dream out back of the White Horse, that's it that's the premise) (2022)
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Moorishflower. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | E, Dream/Hob Gadling, 0:28:55. Hob digs through his bag for his keys, grumbling until he finds them and gets the door open. Dream is lying on his desk. Hob closes the door. "I sorry," he says. "My husband was raised by wolves." (2022)
in the gutter by LittleQueenTrashMouth. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with KD reads (KDHeart). (AO3 | Tumblr) T, Calliope/Dream, 0:12:15. Free for the first time in over 60 years, Calliope recovers and returns to work. (2022)
reach out, touch faith by sommin. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with KD reads (KDHeart), robinfaipods (Robin_Fai), and The_Casual_Sounds (the_casual_cheesecake). (AO3 | Tumblr) M, Dream/Hob Gadling, 00:11:28. Johanna Constantine is hired to deal with a suspected possession. The truth is so much worse than she could've imagined. (2022)
Best Behavior (Cross My Heart) by speccygeekgrrl. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with KD reads (KDHeart). (AO3 | Tumblr) T, Dream/Hob Gadling, 00:04:16. At the end of an evening of drinking, Hob's not ready to lose Dream's company just yet, promising to be on his best behavior if he'll only stay the night. (2022)
Sherlock Holmes (All Media Types)
Some Girls by mautadite. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr | dreamwidth community profileaudiofemme post) Sherlock (BBC), E, Irene/Molly, 0:09:26. Her mum had warned her. About, you know. Those kinds of girls. (2013)
Luminosity by mresundance. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) Sherlock (BBC), T, John/Sherlock, Sherlock/Victor, 0:26:38. ‘‘Desire is in here for me,’ Sherlock tapped his head. ‘Not the body.' (demisexual Sherlock) (2011)
Marriage á Trois by Sorrel. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr | dreamwidth community profileamplificathon post) Sherlock Holmes (2009), T, Holmes/Mary/Watson, 2:31:54. In the aftermath of the Blackwood case, Mary determines that if she wants to have a successful marriage, she must find a way to integrate Holmes into her relationship with John. It's a decision that will have a number of unforeseen consequences, as she becomes far closer with the famous detective than she ever could have imagined. (2011)
Shatter and Drown by mresundance. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr | dreamwidth community profileamplificathon post (mp3) | dreamwidth community profileamplificathon post (m4b)) Sherlock (BBC), M, John/Sherlock, 0:16:27. I’m here Sherlock,’ John says. (Ace!Sherlock) (2011)
Fair Exchange is no Robbery by mongoose_bite. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr) E, Dovahkiin/Nelacar, 0:14:25. Nelacar desperately wants Azura's Star, and the Dragonborn is willing to sell it to him, but the asking price is Nelacar himself. (2019)
Book of Sanguine by Fallowsthorn. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr) E, Sanguine/Multi, 1:29:07. Sanguine's sexy, sexy adventures across Tamriel as he tries first to learn how to write porn, and then gives up in favour of the far more entertaining job of becoming the subject instead. (2019)
Magickal Lore by Fallowsthorn (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr) E, Farengar/Sanguine, 35:40. Farengar's tastes are a bit unusual; Sanguine can accommodate that. (2019)
Monster Party by mongoose_bite. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr) E, Dovahkiin/Companions, 16:32. Vilkas does not think much of the recruit Farkas dragged in, even if he is the life of the party. When he catches him stealing, Vilkas decides he’s earned a traditional Companions punishment; the Monster Party. Said recruit wholeheartedly agrees; he loves parties. (2019)
Daedric Lore by Fallowsthorn (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr) E, Hermaeus Mora/Sanguine, 20:54. Sanguine is bored. Hermaeus Mora is unlucky enough to have to deal with this. (2019)
Written Lore by Fallowsthorn (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr) M, 15:45. Sanguine tracks down Sultris Amor. (2019)
Bardic Lore by Fallowsthorn (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr) E, Mikael/Sanguine, 17:28. Sanguine, the Daedric Prince of lust, greed, and indulgence, decides that he's going to write his own porn. Should be easy enough, right? Right? (2019)
Service Please by mongoose_bite. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr) E, Dovahkiin/Grelka, 07:12. Dyce wonders what he has to do to get some decent service at Grelka’s stall. Grelka decides to show him. (2019)
Vexed by mongoose_bite. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr) E, Dovahkiin/Vex, 16:44. He always does everything she asks him to, and one night she decides to find out just how obedient he can be. (2019)
St. Trinian's
Annabelle Fritton, Headmistress? by havocthecat. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology VI) G, Annabelle/Kelly, 0:05:48. "Are you the headmistress?" asked Kelly, smirking at her. "Did Miss Fritton toddle off to a nursing home to live happily ever after with Matron and leave you to be responsible?" (2016)
Star Wars (All Media Types)
Tech Support by Bright_Elen. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with knight_tracer and Gondolin. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | Rogue One, G, Cassian/K-2SO, 0:04:33. K-2 is an affectionate drunk. (2019)
Mixed Materials Synthesis by Bright_Elen. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr) Star Wars: Rogue One, E, Bodhi/K-2SO, 1:22:09. The camera revealed that the person sitting at the desk was, in fact, Bodhi Rook. Presumably he was using an interface device of some kind, probably a datapad, wired directly to K-2’s core. [Hello, Bodhi,] K-2 said. [You have more color in your skin and appear better rested than you were on Scarif.] [I should hope so,] Bodhi said, smiling as he wrote. [Glad the camera’s working.] [Aural sensors next,] K-2 said. [I dislike silence.] Bodhi grinned and held up what looked like a comm link. [Forethought,] K-2 said. [From a human. I’m almost impressed.] (2018)
Make Each Moment Last by KeeperofSeeds. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology VIII) Star Wars: Clone Wars, G, Aayla/Luminara, 0:01:24. Their relationship is forbidden by the oaths they have sworn, but Aayla can't imagine her life without the steady presence of Luminara. (2018)
Armored in Silk by Carmarthen. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology VIII) Star Wars: Original Trilogy, G, gen, 0:05:22. Before Senator Leia Organa of Alderaan's first speech to the Imperial Senate, Mon Mothma brings her a gift. (2018)
Rapid Touch Response by Sharksdontsleep. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr) Star Wars: Rogue One, E, Cassian/K-2SO, 0:15:24. "They dosed me with something, K," Cassian says. "I'll be fine." He isn't. (2018)
Beg For It by celeste9. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr) Star Wars: Sequel Trilogy, M, Leia/Poe, 0:07:14. “War is hard. So is life. A person needs to forget sometimes. You understand?” Her hand is on his cheek again, her thumb on his lip, pressing. Poe suddenly understands very clearly. (2018)
Fevered by Bright_Elen. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr) Star Wars: Rogue One, E, Cassian/K-2SO, 0:24:05. Normally it's Cassian who needs obscure first aid, so he's more than willing to help when Kaytoo comes down with a weird digital virus. (2017)
Sparks by misbegotten. A multivoice podfic recorded with KD reads (KDHeart). (AO3) E, Gabriel/Sam, 0:10:52. "Whoa, Sammy," Gabriel murmurs. "Still getting off on what you shouldn't have?" (2021)
Important Angel Business by entanglednow. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with bunsprout, Gondolinpod (Gondolin), podfic_lover, and The_Casual_Sounds (the_casual_cheesecake). (AO3 | T, Gabriel/Sam, 0:22:17. Sam has no idea how Gabriel got his number. (2020)
When I'm Gone by gorgeousnerd. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology X) E, Lilith/Ruby, 0:06:35. Demons don’t make tender, gentle love. That’s not what Ruby’s asking for when she bends knee to the demon inside the dental hygienist, bowing her head. (2020)
Embrace by morganoconner. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | M, Gabriel/Sam, 0:16:14. In order to avoid Detroit, Sam relinquishes his body to Gabriel temporarily. (2019)
Afterparty by entanglednow. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) T, Castiel/Dean/Gabriel/Sam, 0:05:15. When Dean wakes up there’s a knee in his face. (2016)
Bracelet by gorgeousnerd. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr | part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology V) G, none, 0:03:29. Mary and her bracelet on three different birthdays. (2015)
Robots in Disguise by Decepticonsensual. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with Arioch, frecklebombfic (frecklebomb), Gilraina, peasina, The_Casual_Sounds (the_casual_cheesecake). (AO3) G, gen, 0:14:01. So... how exactly DO giant alien robots get to experience the fun of a Jasper, Nevada Halloween? All it takes is a little paint, a communications officer with an odd sense of humour, and one industrious Vehicon engineer. (2020)
Just Desserts by kitausuret. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with Arioch, KD reads (KDHeart), and The_Casual_Sounds (the_casual_cheesecake). (AO3) E, Eddie/Flash/Venom, 0:07:55 / 0:08:29(with bloopers) Venom and Flash both like Eddie. They also both like chocolate frosting (especially so in Venom's case). So why not combine the two? (2021)
you are precisely (my cup of tea) by escherzo. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with KD reads (KDHeart). (AO3) E, Eddie/Venom, 0:26:26 / 0:29:35 (with bloopers) Early in a relationship, there's always a period of learning. Of feeling the other out, discovering the way they smile when they're trying to hold in a laugh, the way their body carries their anger, their passions, their old pains. Learning favorite pizza toppings. The way they take their coffee. The way they look first thing in the morning, sleepy sunrise lighting up the contours of their face. If they're a dog person, or a cat person, or neither. If they're close with their family or never call, or somewhere in between. Eddie isn't sure why he thought it might be different with Venom, at first. He's not sure when he started thinking of the two of them as a relationship, either. (2020)
feeling very still by akamine_chan. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends by KDHeart, the_casual_cheesecake, and bunsprout; editing and cover art done by me. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | Venom (2018), T, Eddie/Venom, 0:06:16. Eddie gets an anonymous tip about a hot story and ends up having feelings. With Venom. As one does. (2019)
Three octaves and some tentacles by yue_ix. Multivoice with accrues, Annapods, and KDHeart. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | Venom (2018), E, Anne/Dan/Eddie/Venom, 0:14:48. Sex-pollened!Venom, an all-dialogue sex comedy featuring Anne, Dan, Eddie and Venom. For the prompt: Eddie dines at Anne and Dan's place. Turns out chocolate is an aphrodisiac for Venom. Oh no. (Oh yes.) (2019)
self care by fshep. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr) Venom (2018), E, Eddie/Venom Symbiote, 0:14:39 (with music) | 0:14:18 (without music). “I can bring you relief, Eddie,” Venom promises. “I know what you like.” Venom helps Eddie unwind. (2018)
But Have You Got The Touch? by impertinence. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with KDHeart and Annapods. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr) Venom (2018), E, Eddie/Venom Symbiote, 0:13:45. Eddie has a horny alien living in his head and a functional dick, and the combination almost immediately becomes a problem. (2018)
Whyborne and Griffin
Quite a Different Type of Literature by QueenThayet. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends with Djapchan, KD reads (KDHeart), and sisi_rambles. (AO3 | Tumblr) Minor crossover with the Simon Feximal Series by K. J. Charles, E, Griffin Flaherty/Percival Whyborne, 0:07:33. Whyborne finds the different kind of literature entirely that Griffin is writing. He doesn't really see the point. Until Griffin helps him understand. With sex. (2022)
A Certain Turn of Phrase by Nabielka. A multivoice podfic recorded with KD reads (KDHeart). (AO3 | Tumblr) G, Griffin Flaherty/Percival Whyborne, 00:08:26. Not everything in Aklo is as sinister as the Arcanorum. (2022)
Bound for Pleasure by DrSyzygy. Multivoice collab with KD reads (KDHeart), recorded at Europodfriends. (AO3) E, Griffin Flaherty/Percival Whyborne, 0:16:27. Percival Whyborne experiments on Griffin Flaherty with rope magic and restriction. (2019)
Honor of Your Company by norabombay. Multivoice collab with KD reads (KDHeart), recorded at Europodfriends. (AO3) G, Griffin Flaherty/Percival Whyborne, 00:20:29. In which our heroes visit Chicago, argue about hieroglyphics, prove their unfitness for business, and transform a mummified crocodile into a very nice hat. (2019)
The Witcher
Always Starts the Same by Chantress. A multivoice podfic with Gondolinpod (Gondolin) and olive2pod (olive2read). (AO3 | Witcher (TV), M, Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer, 0:03:31. Yennefer and Jaskier like to play games at Geralt's expense. Somehow Geralt always ends up winning. (2020)
more Witcher OT3 not!fic . (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | Witcher (TV), T, Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer, 0:03:38. Jaskier is saaaaaaaad after the breakup and so is all of Temeria so Yennefer decides to FIX IT, DAMNIT. (2020)
In which we discuss our Witcher OT3 and how they should bang, created with Azdaema, carboncopies, and Chantress. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | Witcher (TV), E, Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer, 0:14:07. Threesomes! Threesomes for all! (2020)
Form and Function by Chantress. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr | Witcher (TV), M, Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer, 0:11:57. Geralt doesn't always take proper care of his hands. His lovers decide to help him with that. (2020)
Youtube RPF
Rule 63, a dreamwidth community profilepod-together collaboration with flyingthesky, eosrose, miss_marina95, jelazakazone, and greedy_dancer. (AO3 | Audiofic Archive | Tumblr) Phandom/Fantastic Four, G, gen, 0:09:22. Dan and Phil woke up a little different this morning. (2013)
Yuletide Microfandoms
Pattern Recognition by Orokiah. Multivoice project by Arioch, with podfic_lover, tinypinkmouse_podfic (tinypinkmouse), and idellaphod. (AO3 | Dreamwidth) Engelsfors Trilogy, M, Vanessa/Linnéa, 0:24:25. Vanessa can see the signs, but that doesn't mean she's ready to read them.. (2019)
Earth is Space Australia by many tumblr users, script edited by Vidriana. A multivoice podfic recorded at Europodfriends, edited by frecklebombfic (frecklebomb), also with Annapods, fishpatrol, girlmarauders, growlery, Jenepod, KD reads (KDHeart), xan_reads (xancredible), podfic_lover, the24thkey, tinypinkmouse_podfic (tinypinkmouse), Vaysh, and Yvi_sama. (AO3) Earth is Space Australia, G, none, 00:11:58. You don't know you're from a Death World until you leave it. (2019)
A Good Dog in a Dark Place by imperfectcircle. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr) Dogs Lost In A Maze That Is Also In Egypt (VitaminWater Ad), G, none, 00:14:10. We are playing with the bones! Grr-wag-wag-wag! Grr-wag-wag-wag! We are fighting each other but secretly it is playing because we are good dogs. (2019)
The Vision of Crazy-Wool by Ursula Vernon (dreamwidth profiletkingfisher). Collaboration with anotherslashfan. (AO3 | Dreamwidth | Tumblr) Cryptic Stitching, G, gen, 0:23:23. A prequel to the game, in which Crazy-Wool is long-suffering and Quippet is dutiful. (2014)
Yuri!!! on Ice
katsuki_fc wrote by tetsurashian. A multivoice project produced by Opalsong and Rhea314 (Rhea). Yuri!!! on Ice, G, Yuuri/Viktor, 2:28:18. Just because Yuuri isn't big on social media, doesn't mean his fans aren't. (aka a social media fic) (2017)