sylvaine aka thriceandonce

Home | Links | Tags | Transformative Works Policy

Art | Fic | Music | Podfic | Recs

Until I figure out the rest of this website, have a link list of places to find my stuff.

Transformative Works Policy

Basically: blanket permission for anything and everything - all I ask is that you link back to my work on your post and link me to it. (P.S.: You do not need my permission for repods.)

Caveat: If you're planning on making money off of something based on one of my works, ask me first. Whether I'll be okay with it or not is very much a case-by-case thing.


sylvaine (dreamwidth - also has most of my creative stuff, including my icons, which I don't think are anywhere else)
thriceandonce (tumblr)


Europodfriends (twitter) | Europodfriends (tumblr), a European fan meetup for podficcers and the podfic community, held every autumn in Berlin!

Out Of The Auditary (AO3), a hopefully-yearly fest for podficcing works that don't fit into the "standard" fiction format, such as meta, not!fic, epistolary and chatfic, video game codes entries, fake scientific articles, poetry, and many more!

nexticon (dreamwidth), a pass-it-on icontest.


No-Romo Trope Sorter (short version) | No-Romo Trope Sorter (long version)


thriceafan (tumblr)
sylvaine (pinboard)
thriceandonce (deviantart)
AO3 bookmarks
podfic recs
femslash recs

Creative Stuff

AO3 (fic, podfic, mixes))
FFnet (fic for FPF fandoms)
thriceascribble - tumblr (art, sketches, etc)
thriceascrawl - tumblr (writing stuff. Mostly little unfinished bits and pieces.)
thriceapodfic - tumblr (podfic, including covers, most of which are my own)