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Podfic Recs


Title: A Matter of Logistics
Reader: shiningartifact
Author: brooklinegirl
Fandom: Bandom (My Chemical Romance)
Length: 43:03
Rating: E
Pairing(s): Frank Iero/Gerard Way
Summary: High school AU. Frank would like to know the logistics of going down on girls. Gerard can help him with that.

Title: Fall and Rise of the Black Parade
Reader: argentumlupine
Author: wordslinging
Fandom: Bandom (My Chemical Romance)
Length: 4:51:29
Rating: E
Pairing(s): Frank Iero/Gerard Way, Ray Toro/Mikey Way
Summary: Black Parade AU. "I've found that the afterlife is mostly what you make of it."

Title: A Delicate Art
Reader: xojemmaxo
Author: desfinado
Fandom: Bandom (My Chemical Romance)
Length: 38:02
Rating: E
Pairing(s): Frank Iero/Ray Toro/Gerard Way/Mikey Way
Summary: Frank's band knows all about revenge plots.

Title: Catholic!Frank And Artist!Gerard Not!Fic
Reader: Cath
Author: Sena
Fandom: Bandom (My Chemical Romance, others)
Length: 2:08:59
Rating: M
Pairing(s): Frank Iero/Gerard Way, Gabe Saporta/Mikey Way
Summary: The one where a gay Frank really has faith in God and is struggling to be the kind of person the church would approve of.

Title: Heart Wrapped in Clover
Reader: knight_tracer
Author: Sena
Fandom: Bandom (My Chemical Romance)
Length: 2:30:03
Rating: E
Pairing(s): Frank Iero/Mikey Way
Summary: Everbody's got their not-so-secret secrets on tour. When you live out of a van, you just can't help but notice things that you shouldn't talk about if you don't want to embarrass your friends or start a fight. Frank wishes sometimes they talked about things, though, because he's dying to ask if anybody else has noticed that sometimes, Mikey wears panties.

Title: A Light to Burn All the Empires
Reader: h_lunulata/nodense
Author: Arsenic/arsenicjade
Fandom: Bandom (My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy)
Length: 3:21:04
Rating: E
Pairing(s): Frank Iero/Mikey Way/Pete Wentz
Summary: Mikey and Frank are outed. There are, as one might imagine, repercussions.

Title: The Anatomy of a Fall
Reader: klb
Author: novembersmith
Fandom: Bandom (My Chemical Romance, others)
Length: 13:02:15
Rating: E
Pairing(s): Frank Iero/Gerard Way
Summary: The unholy union of a high school AU and a ghost story. Gerard's life takes a strange turn when his family moves to a small town in Vermont and he discovers the locals aren't all what they seem to be. Also includes: unexpected nature walks, murder, pining, improper treatment of crime scenes, a number of bone-related puns, high school bullies, and a short-range shrub named Ferdinand.

Title: ...Okay, So It's the Same Galaxy, a Couple Years Off
Reader: klb
Author: novembersmith
Fandom: Bandom (My Chemical Romance, others)
Length: 7:40
Rating: G
Pairing(s): Frank Iero/Gerard Way
Summary: A snippet set in the future of The Anatomy of a Fall.

Title: This Never Happened
Reader: klb
Author: bexless
Fandom: Bandom (My Chemical Romance)
Length: 3:13:33
Rating: E
Pairing(s): Frank Iero/Gerard Way
Summary: This is not a story. My thoughts on what would happen if Frank had to move in with the Ways for his senior year of high school do not constitute a story. It's ~in costume~ as a story. A twenty-eight and a half thousand word costume, because apparently even my badfic wolfshirt bullshit things are bafflingly long-winded.

Title: Of All the Nail Salons in All the Wold
Reader: ashesandghost
Author: inlovewithnight
Fandom: Bandom (Fall Out Boy, Cobra Starship)
Length: 1:05:11
Rating: E
Pairing(s): Gabe Saporta/Pete Wentz
Summary: Gabe has a thing for super-cute punk types. Pete has a thing for Gabe. A genderqueer romcom of happy nice time.

Title: Series: Gerard Way's (Vampire) Detective Agency
Reader: fayjay, pennyplainknits
Author: jjtaylor
Fandom: Bandom (My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, other)
Length: ~15 hours
Rating: M
Pairing(s): Frank Iero/Gerard Way, Mikey Way/Pete Wentz, Lindsey Ballato/Jamia Nestor, Bob Bryar/Ray Toro
Summary: Pete, in Decaydance Mansion, with a yarrow stake. Frank and Gerard, in the greenhouse, with a plant of questionable origin. Bob, everywhere you look, with a gang of assassins for justice. Vampires, valets, pamphlets, haunted furniture, dub-thrall, disembodied voices, zombie couriers, and sinister rituals.

Title: An Inexplicable Occurence of Tentacles
Reader: reena_jenkins
Author: ignipes
Fandom: Bandom (My Chemical Romance), Stargate Atlantis
Length: 16:15
Rating: T
Pairing(s): gen
Summary: There are a lot of things John hates about his job.

American Idol

Title: Synesthesia
Reader: klb, Opalsong
Author: Astolat
Fandom: American Idol
Length: 13:36
Rating: E
Pairing(s): Kris Allen/Adam Lambert
Summary: The tentacles looked almost like jewelry, sort of iridescent-shiny blue and purple, speckled with pale silvery spots, and they wound around Adam's wrists and up into his palms and coiled there, like small glittery snakes.

Title: Brand New Shoes
Reader: 2naonh3_cl2
Author: bexless
Fandom: American Idol
Length: 55:54
Rating: M
Pairing(s): Kris Allen/Adam Lambert
Summary: "I'm not crazy or anything, I promise. If you could just pretend you know me for a couple of minutes, you'd be saving my life, I swear."

Title: Apples Are Not the Only Fruit
Reader: exmanhater
Author: bexless
Fandom: American Idol
Length: 1:55:59
Rating: E
Pairing(s): Kris Allen/Adam Lambert
Summary: Local woman wins pie contest! Adam Lambert assists.

Title: More Myself With You
Reader: shiningartifact
Author: jerakeen
Fandom: American Idol
Length: 4:08:32
Rating: M
Pairing(s): Kris Allen/Adam Lambert
Summary: Their friendship is hard to explain.

Sherlock Holmes Versions

Title: La Chanson des Vieux Amants
Reader: ArwenLune
Author: language_escapes
Fandom: Elementary
Length: 1:44:22
Rating: T
Pairing(s): Gen
Summary: There are two constants in Joan's life: Sherlock and bees.

Title: Traffic Lights for the Colour Blind
Reader: Fayjay
Author: lavvyan
Fandom: Sherlock
Length: 1:09:04
Rating: T
Pairing(s): Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Summary: In which it's not the war John is missing, Sherlock needs to find new ways to hang on to his flatmate, and Moriarty tries to get himself a pet of his own. Features also: guns, tea, the reason Sherlock Holmes won't take the tube, cell phones, a budgie, and one obnoxious older brother.

Title: The Paradox Series
Reader: Fayjay, revolutionaryjo
Author: wordstrings
Fandom: Sherlock
Length: ~7.5 hours
Rating: E
Pairing(s): Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Summary: In which Sherlock really is a sociopath but John's game for it anyway.

Title: The Goodge Street Gambit and the Controversial Non-Holmesian Principle
Reader: Fayjay
Author: definewisdom
Fandom: Sherlock, I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue
Length: 12:45
Rating: G
Pairing(s): gen
Summary: Lestrade and John play a game of Mornington Crescent, Sherlock tries to work out the rules.

Title: The Thermodynamics Series
Reader: Fayjay
Author: entanglednow
Fandom: Sherlock
Length: 1:51:34
Rating: E
Pairing(s): Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Summary: In which there's no heating and there's a dead owl in Sherlock's bed. | In which an experiment has to be repeatable for the results to be valid. | In which John tries to restore some semblance of order. | In which there are rules, and John breaks them.

Title: Let You Kiss Me (So Sweet and So Soft)
Reader: Fayjay
Author: out_there
Fandom: Sherlock
Length: 1:02:21
Rating: T
Pairing(s): Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Summary: The first time Sherlock kisses him, John keeps his eyes open, and so does Sherlock, and mostly, he wonders what Sherlock could possibly be up to. There'll be some logic to this. Some ridiculous experiment about body warmth or respiratory rates or testing a new way of picking pockets. Sherlock does the unimaginable for bizarre reasons, but behind it, there's always logic and curiosity. Sometimes, it just takes him a while to explain it to John.

Lord of the Rings/Middle-Earth

Title: Coloring Wizards for Fun and Profit: A Short Guide to the Third Age
Reader: reena_jenkins
Author: thingswithwings
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Length: 9:34
Rating: G
Pairing(s): gen
Summary: "No one is going to be purple." This from the second Wizard who had disembarked, a tall man with a deep voice whose garments, even now, looked a little dingy and tattered.

Title: Firimar
Reader: altariel
Author: ithilwen
Fandom: Silmarillion
Length: 6:50
Rating: G
Pairing(s): gen
Summary: Do the Elves in Aman ever look back at Middle Earth? Features Finrod Felagund.

Title: Unhasty Entslash
Reader: tinypinkmouse
Author: ineptshieldmaid
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Length: 1:21
Rating: G
Pairing(s): Quickbeam/Treebeard
Summary: Quickbeam takes risks.


Title: In the House of Dust
Reader: luzula
Author: kindkit
Fandom: Gilgamesh
Length: 14:21
Rating: T
Pairing(s): Enkidu/Gilgamesh
Summary: Men and cities are made of clay, and turn to dust.

Title: A Mystery Rite of Irkalla
Reader: luzula
Author: sage
Fandom: Mesopotamian Mythology
Length: 9:36
Rating: G
Pairing(s): gen
Summary: "What is this?" Inana asked him again, and each time he said, "Lady, do not question the laws of the land of the dead."

Title: A Little Goddess
Reader: fresne
Author: fresne
Fandom: A Little Princess, Greek Mythology, Egyptian Mythology
Length: 38:40
Rating: G
Pairing(s): gen
Summary: Like when Isis went to live in the marsh and begged for food for her baby, Serqa went to live on the roof of the Gorgos Sisters Hellenic Gymnasium for girls. Like Isis, she had a curse to lift and steps to take through the world that was full of magic if you'd stop to tell the tale.

Title: Gods Versus Aliens
Reader: fresne
Author: fresne
Fandom: Mahabharata, Greek Mythology
Length: 23:18
Rating: T
Pairing(s): Achilles/Penthesilea, Artemis/Iphigenia
Summary: How Iphigenia escaped certain death and Helen found new opportunities.

Title: Lugalbanda And The Anza Bird (Shhh... It's A Secret)
Reader: fresne
Author: fresne
Fandom: Mesopotamian Mythology
Length: 28:50
Rating: G
Pairing(s): Lugalbanda/Ninsun
Summary: Or the Story of How a Sweet, Hypoglycemic, Gluten Intolerant Sumerian got the Swiftness Force and learned to love running.

Title: Goddes and the City
Reader: fresne
Author: fresne
Fandom: Chinese Mythology
Length: 10:03
Rating: G
Pairing(s): gen
Summary: She is sunset. Neon eyes and tiger teeth. This is why she was unaware of the sunset.

Title: High Tide
Reader: luzula
Author: fresne
Fandom: Inuit Mythology
Length: 9:46
Rating: T
Pairing(s): none
Summary: Sedna lay face up to the falling snow. She looked up with eyes that never closed. A crab scuttled across a wide eye, but she did not blink. She had lost that trick.

Harry Potter

Title: Being Liquid
Reader: sophinisba
Author: rotaryphones
Fandom: Harry Potter
Length: 44:00
Rating: E
Pairing(s): Teddy Lupin/Victoire Weasley
Summary: When Teddy discovers a new way to be liquid, Victoire helps him to find stability.

Title: Stealing Harry
Reader: revolutionaryjo
Author: copperbadge
Fandom: Harry Potter
Length: 9:29:37
Rating: M
Pairing(s): Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Summary: In an alternate universe where Sirius Black never went to Azkaban, Harry divides his life between the Dursleys' house and Mr. Black's bookshop -- until Sirius realises what the Dursleys are doing to him, and takes him away from their care.

Title: The Lee Jordan Show
Reader: kalakirya, silly_cleo, sylvaine, jelazakazone, eosrose, croissantkatie, vassalady, laliandra, citrusjava
Author: croissantkatie, vassalady, primeideal
Fandom: Harry Potter
Length: 39:21
Rating: G
Pairing(s): gen
Summary: Welcome to the Lee Jordan show on the Wizarding Wireless Network, the best show for news, interviews, sports coverage, and entertainment on air! Tune in now!

Title: Old Country
Reader: Fayjay
Author: Astolat
Fandom: Supernatural, Harry Potter
Length: 3:49:55
Rating: E
Pairing(s): Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
Summary: Sam and Dean go to Hogwarts.


Title: The Incestuous Courtship of the Antichrist's Bride
Reader: Fayjay
Author: fleshflutter
Fandom: Supernatural
Length: 4:58:16
Rating: M
Pairing(s): Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
Summary: Sam is trying to become the Antichrist in order to save the world. He has a small army of angels and demons, he has an adoring cult, he has a work of prophecy by Jack Kerouac, and he has Dean. Things are going pretty well until he accidentally signs Dean up as his Beloved Consort, a role that requires sex with the Antichrist on an altar. And that's when things stop going pretty well. Also, the soundtrack to the Apocalypse sucks.

Title: Loki and Toni's Excellent Adventure in World Saving
Reader: reena_jenkins
Author: pprfaith
Fandom: Avengers
Length: 6:01:58
Rating: M
Pairing(s): Loki/fem!Tony Stark
Summary: In which Loki and Toni try to save the world, Steve is obnoxious, Clint has no patience for artsy movies and there are cupcakes. And issues.

Title: Captain Equestria and the Iron Pony (Drunk!Version)
Reader: bessyboo
Author: valtyr
Fandom: Marvel, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Length: 15:44
Rating: E
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Summary: Written for the prompt: "My Little Pony/Avengers fusion. Pony porn, people! Any avenger!" Consider this your warning for hot pony on pony action. RECORDED WHILE I WAS VERY DRUNK. AT A PARTY.

Title: Rule 63
Reader: eos_rose, greedy_dancer, jelazakazone, miss_marina95, sylvaine
Author: flyingthesky
Fandom: Youtube RPF
Length: 9:22
Rating: G
Pairing(s): gen
Summary: Dan and Phil woke up a little different this morning.

Title: Super Toothsday
Reader: greedy_dancer
Author: jedusaur
Fandom: Youtube RPF
Length: 5:28
Rating: T
Pairing(s): gen
Summary: A man has needs, all right, and Jack just isn't built to take on the oral hygiene of life alone.

Title: Delicious
Reader: pennyplainknits
Author: newredshoes
Fandom: Eddie Izzard
Length: 19:49
Rating: T
Pairing(s): gen
Summary: A meditation on trichinosis, the Northwest Passage, build-it-yourself furniture and buried secrets of the Second World War. What? It's true.

Title: When Life Gives You Apples
Reader: Miss_S_B
Author: Roga
Fandom: Discworld
Length: 23:26
Rating: G
Pairing(s): gen
Summary: Wherein a new piece of technogoly comes to the Disc, and the witches deal with birds, imps, and unfortunate rhymes.

Title: The Creepy Cave
Reader: shiningartifact
Author: lolafeist
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Length: 28:37
Rating: E
Pairing(s): Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Stiles looks up. Slowly. "Holy shit," he says. The tentacle is attached to more tentacles which are attached to a giant glowing squid thing. "That is not the droid we were looking for."

Title: Long Road (Long Ride Home)
Reader: helens78
Author: brooklinegirl
Fandom: due South
Length: 5:26:20
Rating: E
Pairing(s): Benton Fraser/Ray Kowalski/Ray Vecchio
Summary: It occurred to Ray that, just as he'd expected Fraser to be there in Chicago when he got back, his mind had also erased any trace of Kowalski from the picture. That if he just left the two of them alone long enough, Kowalski would fade back into whatever alley he had come from and that would be that.

Title: Texts from Cephalopods
Reader: bessyboo, Lunate8, Pennyplainknits, Revolutionaryjo (purple cast) | bessyboo, reena_jenkins, sly_hostetter, XanaTenshi (green cast)
Author: volta_arovet
Fandom: Octopus Steals My Video Camera and Swims off with It While It's Recording (Youtube)
Length: 20:58 (purple cast) | 21:43 (green cast)
Rating: G
Pairing(s): Octopus/Squid
Summary: It is a well-established fact in marine biology that the octopus is the drunk texter of the cephalopod family.